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Module 10 Unit 1《Where’s my pen?》教学设计

04-03 14:55:35| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教案|人气:987
Module 10 Unit 1《Where’s my pen?》教学设计小学英语教案,

A.知识技能目标:学会三个介词on,in,under,并能用Where’s my/the…?去询问物品在哪。
I Warm—up
1、 Greeting
T: Class begins.
Ss: Stand up, please.
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Chen.
T: Say Hello to your parents.
Ss: Hello.
T: Good! Now, Group 1 and 2, let’s say , I’m a cat ,cat ,cat, in a cap , cap , cap.
Group 3 and 4, let’s say , I’m a cat ,cat ,cat, in a hat , hat , hat.(结合不同的动作,有需要的话,帽子)
T:Now, follow me, bounce, bounce, bounce the ball’, twice. ok?
T:Sit down, please.
2、 Quick response
(PPT快速出示一些图片:pen/ pencil/ ruler/ dog/ fox / hat/ box/ , 然后迅速消失,让学生猜)
T:Now , look carefully. What’s this?
Ss: It’s a …
T: Is it a …?
Ss: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s a box.
T: Yes, it’s a box.(从讲台桌下拿出一只漂亮的箱子)
T: Now, look, it’s my box.. It’s so beautiful. I like it very much..
Guess, what’s IN my box?(摇摇箱子) (课件出示句子“……in my box?”)
Ss guessing(引导学生猜,a ball? a book? a cat ?......单击出现这些图片)
T: Now, who can? Who can touch the box?
T: Is it a book? What’s this?
S1: It’s a ball.
T: Yes, you are right. It’s a ball.
1、单击出示IN 图片,T: A ball in the box.
出示IN单词卡片,T: [I] [I]---IN, follow me.(先教【I】,再教[IN])齐读——抽读
T: in ↗ in ↘in the box (一边拿球和箱子做动作示范)(单击出现in↗in↘in the box)
跟读in ↗ in ↘in the box——抽读(让他拿球和箱子做动作)
T: Now, in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the box.(单击出现“ It’s ”,贴好板书“It’s in the box.”)
T: Now, boys and girls. Please take out your eraser. Let’s do together.(让学生拿出橡皮,和老师一起边做边说)
in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the pencil-box.
in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the desk.
in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the schoolbag.
T: Good, now, take away your eraser.(保证学生放好橡皮)
Look, what’s this?(出示一实物——钢笔)
Ss: It’s a pen..
T: Yes, it’s my pen. Now, close your eyes.1\2\3(叫学生先闭上眼睛,把pen藏于box 里面)
T: OK. Open your eyes. Where’s my pen? Guess? (贴板书“Where’s my pen?”)
S1:It’s in the box.
T: Yes or no? Let’s open and look.
Wonderful. It’s in the box.. You’re right.(奖励学生)
二、where’s my pen
1、出示“where”单词卡片,进行教授,where---where’s----where is
T: where↗ where↘ where’s the pen?(全体学生跟读)
T: Now , one by one.(开火车练读这个句子)
(把钢笔放进箱子里)T:where↗ where↘ where’s the pen?
(提示学生回答)S1:in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the box.
T: Now, Let’s play a game. I need 5 students. Who can come here.(抽取5名学生上台做游戏)
T: OK. Now, stand in a line(让学生排成一队) face to me, ok? Are you ready?
T:where↗ where↘ where’s the pen?(把箱子给第一个学生)
提示第一个学生回答S1:in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the box.
提示第一个学生转身问第二个学生S2: where↗ where↘ where’s the pen?
出示一个pencil box,把它放进一个schoolbag中T: Now, where’s the pencil box?
S1:It’s in the schoolbag

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T: where↗ where↘ where’s the pencil-box?
Ss: in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the schoolbag.
T: Now , look, it’s Amy’s room. But it’s too dirty. Let’s clean the room, ok?
T: Now, look, Where’s the ball?
Ss: It’s in the box.
T: Where’s the pencil-box?
Ss: It’s in the schoolbag.
T: Where’s the book?
Ss: It’s on the desk.(引导学生回答)
2、单击出示ON 图片,并出示ON单词卡片,
T: [O] [O]---ON, follow me.(先教【O】,再教[ON])齐读——抽读(注意[0]发音,结尾不能拖长音)
T: on ↗ on ↘on the box (一边拿球和箱子做动作示范)(单击出现on↗on↘on the box)
跟读on ↗ on ↘on the box——抽读(让他拿球和箱子做动作)
T: Now, on ↗ on ↘ It’s on the box.(单击出现“ It’s ”,贴好板书“It’s on the box.”)
T: Now, boys and girls. Please take out your eraser. Let’s do together.(让学生拿出橡皮,和老师一起边做边说) (让小朋友自编chant, 如果学生有困难,就提供物品来提醒他)
on ↗ on ↘ It’s on the desk..
on ↗ on ↘ It’s on the book.  on ↗ on ↘ It’s on the seat.
T: Look, it’s a dog. It’s my box.(把这两样东西藏于讲台桌后,或者用块布盖上)
Where’s the dog?
S1: It’s in the box../ It’s on the box..
T: No, you are wrong. It’s under the box.
2、单击出示under 图片,并出示under单词卡片,T: [a] [a]---under, follow me.(先教【a】,再教[under])齐读——抽读(注意[a]发音,结尾不能拖长音)
T: under↗under ↘under the box (一边拿球和箱子做动作示范)(单击出现under↗under ↘under the box)
跟读under↗under ↘under the box——抽读(让他拿球和箱子做动作)
T: Now, under↗under ↘It’s under the box (单击出现“ It’s ”,贴好板书“It’s under the box.”)
T: Now, boys and girls. Please take out your eraser. Let’s do together.(让学生拿出橡皮,和老师一起边做边说) (让小朋友自编chant, 如果学生有困难,就提供物品来提醒他)
S1: under ↗ under↘ under the desk
S2: under ↗ under↘ under the book
S3: under ↗ under↘ under the seat
(让小朋友自编chant, 如果学生有困难,就提供物品来提醒他)
T: Now ,let’s play a game. Take out your eraser, follow me.
(让学生拿出橡皮和另外一只手做听听做做的游戏,先请所有学生边听边跟着老师一起做一起说,in、on 、under,然后速度加快)
T:IN /ON/ UNDER, follow me.(让学生跟着自己一边说一边做)
T: Now, I say you do.我说你做,ok?
T: Who can say?(请个学生来发指令)
T: OK, now, group work..一人说,其他人做(先要对班级成员进行分组)
T: 1\2\3,Are you ok? Which group? Come here.(抽组上台进行表演,进行评比、奖励)
T: Look, where↗where↘where’s my pen?
Ss: in↗in↘It’s in the hat.”
2 、出示第二张课件
T: Who can ask?(引导学生来问,可用句子提醒他,然后全班一起回答)
请boys 来问,girls来回答,然后再选另外一组,进行开火车游戏。
1) listen and point
T: Now, open your books, turn to P38,look, Panpan is coming. First, let’s listen and point
2) listen and read
T: Now, let’s read after the tape.
3)read together
T: Close your book, now. Look at the blackboard, let’s read together. ”Hello, where’s my pen?1\2\3go

III Practice
1、 chant
用幻灯片出示一些方位图,用chant 来进行问答
T: where↗ where↘ whe

www.ertong6.com re’s the ……?
Ss: in ↗ in ↘ It’s …… the …….
2、 出示一张有很多方位关系的图片,先请一个优生回答,让全班用YES或者NO 来进行评判,然后请同桌操练,接着抽组说。
1、Hide and seek.
T: Let’s play a game. Firstly, please close your eyes, I’ll hide my book. Now, please open your eyes. Where’s my book? Can you guess?
S1: It’s on the desk.
S2: It’s in the desk.
S3: It’s in the hat.
S4: It’s under the desk.
S5: It’s on the floor.
T: Super! You are right! Thank you !
2、 I’m a magician!
T: Boys and girls , you can play this game with your partner. You are a magician, you can hide anything as soon as you can. Then ask your partner: Where’s my…? Let’s begin!
