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Unit 4 Pets 教学实录

04-03 15:04:14| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教学案例|人气:403
Unit 4 Pets 教学实录小学英语教学案例,

教学目标Teaching aims:


1、学习宠物单词。复习单词dog, cat, fish, frog, 认读新单词hamster, mouse, rabbit, budgie。

2、初步感知本单元句型Have you got a pet? Yes, I have. What have you got?








教学内容Teaching content:

1、宠物单词:dog, cat, fish, frog, hamster, mouse, rabbit, budgie。

2、复习句型:What colour is it?

3、新句型:Have you got a pet? Yes, I have. What have you got?

教学重点Important point:


教学难点Difficult point:


教具Teaching aids:


教学课时Teaching period:


教学过程Teaching coures:

Step 1  Revision

T: Hello! Boys and girls. Look at the pictures. Let’s review the text.


Ss: OK. I have got a small room. It is nice and clean. There is a bed in my room. There is a desk by the window. I have got a computer on the desk. I often work at the desk. I like my room.

Step 2. Warm-up

T: Let’s play a guessing game. Listen carefully.(教师播放课件中的声音。汪汪……)What’s this?

Ss: A dog.


Ss:A cat.


Ss: A frog.

T: Look! It lives in the water. This is its tail.(教师用手做鱼尾巴状。)

Ss: it is a fish.

Step 2 Presentation

T: Look! What’s this?(教师用手做耳朵状。)

S1:   S2: rabbit…

T: Yes, a rabbit. Can you spell it?

Ss: R-A-B-B-I-T.(教师出示教具图片: 兔子。)

T: And look! What’s this? (教师出示教具图片: 老鼠。)

S1: Mouse.   S2:…

T: Is it a mouse? (教师出示教具图片: 仓鼠。)


www.ertong6.com S2:是黄鼠狼   S3: It is a hamster….

T: Yes, it’s a hamster. Ham-s-ter

Ss: Ham-s-ter.

T:And what’s this? It can fly. It can speak Chinese. (教师出示教具图片: 鹦鹉。)

Ss: 鹦鹉

T: It is a budgie. Please read after me, B-U-D-G-I-E budgie.

T: And they are all pets. What’s the meaning of “pets”?


T:(用手指左右摇摇,表示否定) 它们是宠物. Follow me, pets P-E-T-S, pets.

Ss:pets. 宠物pets.

Step 3 Practice

1. T: Look. I have got a fish. What about you?

S1: I have got a frog.     S2: I have got a fish

S3: I have got a budgie …

T:OK. Now introduce in groups. “ I have got a ….”


T: Stop here. Which group can show your sentences?

Group 1

S1: I have got a rabbit.     S2: I have got a budgie.

S3: I have got a hamster.    S4: I have got a mouse.

2.T: Look!(将句子I have got a pet. 变成Have you got a pet?)What’s the meaning of the sentence “ Have you got a pet”?

 S1: 我喜欢宠物.       S2:你喜欢宠物吗?

 S3: 我喜欢宠物.

 T:No.Think over. “I have got a small room” What’s the meaning of this sentence?


 T: Great! What’s the meaning of the phrases “have got”?

 Ss: 有

 T: Yes, and think over.

 S1: 我有宠物.      S2: 你有宠物.

 S3: 你有宠物吗?

 T: You are very clever. Lian Ziwei, have you got a pet?

 Lian: Yes.

 T:OK. You should say : Yes, I have.

 Lian: Yes, I have.

 T:Please ask you partener.

 Lian: Chen Jiahua, have you got a pet?

 Chen: Yes, I have. Zhang Wenting, have you got a pet?

 Zhang: Yes, I have. Wei Yaxing, have you got a pet?

 Wei: Yes, I have. Shi Rui, have you got a pet?

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Step 4 Consolidation

T:Look!(教师板书句子What have you got?)Can you read it?

 Ss:What have you got?

 T:What’ s the meaning?

 Ss: 你有什么宠物?

   T:Excellent.Open your books on Page 32. Read the text of Part 1 in groups.


 T:Which group can read the chant?


Step 5 Expanding Practice

 T:Look! What colour is it?(教师出示教具。)

 Ss: It’s pink.

 T:Let’s make a small dialogue.(课件出示)

  ----Have you got a pet?

  ----Yes, I have.

  ----What have you got?

  ----A …

  ----What colour is it?

  ----It’s ….

  Make the dialogue in pairs. You can use your cards.


T: OK. Who want to show your small dialogue?


 T:Well done, my children. Now let’s read the words and sentences on the blackboard together.

 Ss: dog, cat,frog, budgie, rabbit…

 Step 6 Homework

 T: So much for today. After class, write the sentences and the words on your exercise books. Goodbye, children.

 Ss: Goodbye,Miss Sun.
