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PEP小学英语三年级上册Recycle 2教案

11-30 14:08:20| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教案|人气:883
PEP小学英语三年级上册Recycle 2教案小学英语教案,

Recycle 2




1.   复习第4-6 单元所学的会话,要求学生能在实际的情景中运用.

2.   能听懂会说本单元所学的动物,食物,玩具等31个单词,并能按指令做游戏.

3.   练说数字1-12.











The first period

Teaching topic:

Let’s act.

Teaching aims and demands:

1.     The pupils can listen and read the dialouge.

2.     The pupils can act the dialouge.

The key point:

The pupils can listen and read the dialouge.

The difflcult point:

The pupils can act the dialouge.

Teaching tools:

A tape and pictures.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm-up/ Revision

1.     Sing th

www.ertong6.com e song. “ Happy birthday.”

2.     Greetings. What’s your name? How old are you?

Step 2.  Presentation

1.     Listen to the tape. Look at the pictures and introduce the dialouge content.

2.     Read the dialouge after the tape.

Step 3.  Practice

1.     Let the pupils look at the pictures and the teacher asks the questions. T : How many cakes ? ---

2.     Listen to the tape again. Let the pupils read the dialouge after the tape.

3.     Divide the pupils into seven groups and act the dialouge.

4.     Ask the pupils come to the front to act the dialouge.

5.     Game: How many ---?

6.     Game: I can be full enough.

Step 4.  Assessment.

        Activity Book. Exercise 1.

Step 5.  Add-activities

        Let the pupils use the content we have learned to make a dialouge after class.











www.ertong6.com The second period

Teaching topic:

Let’s play. Find and match.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. The pupils can move the numbers to say the chant..

2. The pupils can help the animals get home.

The key point:

The pupils can say the chant and help the animals get home.

The difflcult point:

The pupils can move the numbers to say the chant.

Teaching tools:

A tape, cards and pictures.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm-up/ Revision

1. Sing the song. “ Ten little candles dance.” Revise the numbers.

2. Greetings. What’s your name? How are you? How old are you?

3. Game: Guessing. Show the pictures to revise the animal words.

Step 2.  Presentation

1.     Show the cards. Revise the numbers from one to ten. Then teach: eleven, twelve.

2.     Let’s play. Move the numbers and say the chant after the tape.

Step 3.  Practice

1.     Game: Add one. For example. One says nine. The other says ten.---

2.     Say the chant after the tape.

3.     Divide the pupils into two groups. Group 1 : Move to ---  Group 2 : Have/ Drink---

4.     Find and match. Help the cat, bear, duck, rabbit, pig, monkey, bird, elephant, dog and panda get home. Who has no home?

www.ertong6.com >Step 4.  Assessment

        Activity Book. Exercise 1 and 2.

Step 5.  Add-activities

        Game: Move the numbers and say the chant.







 The third period

Teaching topic:

Let’s make. Let’s sing.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. The pupils can make a shakert.

2. The pupils can sing the song . “ Happy New Year.”

The key point:

The pupils can make a shaker and sing the song.

The difflcult point:

The pupils can make a shaker and sing the song.

Teaching tools:

A tape, cards ,colour paper and pictures.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm-up/ Revision

1. Sing the song. “ Ten little candles dance.” Revise the numbers.

2. Greetings. What’s your name? How are you? How old are you?

3. Game: Guessing. Show the pictures to revise the animal words.

Step 2.   Presentation

1.     Show the pupils a shaker and say: This is a shaker. Teach: shaker.

T: Let’s make a shaker. The teacher help the

www.ertong6.com pupils make a shaker.

2.     The pupils show their shakers.

3.     Teach: New Year. Sing the song. “Happy New Year.”

Step 3.  Practice

1.     The pupils takes out their colour paper. Then make a shaker with the teacher’s help.

2.     Sing the song . “Happy New Year.”

Step 4.  Assessment

        Activity Book. Exercise 4, 5.

Step 5.  Add-activities

        Sing the New Year song to your friends.

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