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pep6 Unit4(1) 的教案

11-30 14:08:20| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教学反思|人气:710
pep6 Unit4(1) 的教案小学英语教学反思,


pep6 Unit4(1)




To listen, say and read the phrases: drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, anwering the phone.

To use the sentence: what are you doing? I am doing the dishes.

Say the chant.

To understand the story and act it out.



本课时要求学生掌握六个单词,由于这些词都是第一次出现,要求学生一次性掌握量学生可能会比较吃力。因此把Let’s do部分渗透在以后的课时中教学。









1. Let’s do.

2. Free talk

What can you do at home?

What do you do on the weekend?



1.drawing pictures.

Look, this is Peter. He’s a boy. He likes playing. But he is drawing pictures now.

Listen, read and write.


What am I doing?

I am drawing pictures. I am drawing a tree. I am drawing an apple. Can you ? Draw and say. I’m drawing ____


2. reading a book.

This is peter’s dad. What ishe doing? Let’s ask together: dad, dad what are you doing?

Listen, read and write.

I’m reading a book.

I’m reading an English book.  I’m reading a/an___________

3. cooking dinner.

Look, this is peter’s mom. Let Ss ask what is she doing?

Listen, read and write.

4. doing the dishes

Look at peter’s sister, let Ss ask what is she doing?

Listen, read and write.

I’m doing______.

5.answering the phone.

This is peter’s brother. Let Ss ask What is he doing

Listen , read and write.

Make a phone call.



1)Show pictures and phrases, let Ss read together. Draw pictures ---drawing pictures

2)Show the phrases and read.



1. story

Listen, read, act.

1.     ask and answer.

2.     what are you doing?

I’m having English class. I’m looking at you…..

4. Amy is in America. Do you know what is she doing? Guess, please.

She is sleeping now.

Step4. homework.

Workbook:P28, 3

Make sentences with the phrases.

关键字: 小学英语教学反思,英语教学反思案例,英语教学反思范文