

11-30 14:08:20| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教案|人气:719

The first period

Teaching topic:

Unit 6. Let’s learn. Let’s find out.

Teaching aims and demands:

1.     The pupils can read the new words correctly. sky, cloud. grass, flower, river, lake, forest, mountain, path.

2.     The pupils can find out the diffrences from the pictures.

The key points:

The new words: sky, cloud. grass, flower, river, lake, forest, mountain, path.

The difficult points:

The pupils can use “ There be---” to describe the pictures.

Teaching tools:

 pictures , cards and the tape.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm- up

1.     Sing the song. “ The Panda”.

2.     Greetings. What can you do? Can you do housework? Can you clean the bedroom?

Step 2.  Preview

       The teacher shows the pupils the picture about “ Let’s start”.

T: Look. This is the sky. What colour is it? What can you see in the pictures. Which picture do you like?

Step 3.  Presentation

1.     Let’s learn

Show the pupils a picture and say: What’s in the picture? What can you see in the picture? Then teach the new words: sky, cloud. grass, flower, river, lake, forest, mountain, path.

2.     T: What’s in the picture? Help the pupils use “there be” to talk about the picture. There is a lake/ mountain/ forest/ river/ grass/ flower/ path in the nature park.

3.     Read the new words after the tape.

Step 4.  Consolidation and extension

        1. Let’s find out.

        Show the pupils the pictures and let the pupils use “there be” to describe the pictures.

2. Let the pupils close the eyes and imagine : What’s in a nature park?

3.     Let the pupils design “ a nature park” .






The second period

Teaching topic:

Unit 6. Let’s try Let’s talk. Pronunciation

Teaching aims and demands:

1. The pupils can finish the cheching correctly.

2. The pupils can say the new sentence: Is there ---? Are there ---?

3. Pronunciations: er. or, wh .

The key points:

Teaching aims 1,2 and aims 3.

The difficult point

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The pupils can say the new sentence: Is there ---? Are there ---?

Teaching tools:

 pictures , cards and the tape.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm- up

1.     The pupils sing the song. “ The panda”

2.     Greetings.

Step 2.  Preview

1.      Finish “ Let’s try: listen and circle.

Listening contents. It’s a beautiful nature park. There is a lake and a forest. Is there a mountain? Yes, there is. Is there a river? No, there isn’t.

2.     After the checking. Teach the new sentence: Is there a lake in the park? Yes , there is . No, there isn’t.

Is there a ----? Yes , there is. No , there isn’t.

Step 3  Presentation

1.     Let’s talk. Teach “ city” . Use the sentence “ Is there ---” to talk about the city.

2.     Pronunciation.

er  teacher  farmer  singer  farmer  dinner  dancer  ruler  driver  computer  runner  river

or   minor  doctor  visitor  actor  author

wh  who  whose  whom  why  where  what  when  white  wheel  whale  wheat












The third period

Teaching topic:

Unit 6. read and write

Teaching aims and demands:

1. The pupils can read the new words correctly.

2. The pupils can say the new sentence: Is there ---? Are there ---?

3. The pupils finish the sentences.

The key points:

Teaching aims 1,2 and aims 3.

The difficult points:

The pupils can say the new sentence: Is there ---? Are there ---?

Teaching tools:

 pictures , cards and the tape.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm- up

1. The pupils sing the song. “ The panda”

2. Greetings.

Step 2.  Preview

1.     Spell the new words.

2.     Act the dialouge. Let’s talk.

Step 3.  Presentation

       Read and write


www.ertong6.com     Show the picture. T : What’s this?  Then teach “ holiday picture”

2.     What’s in the picture? Use the sentence “ Is there ---“ to talk about the holiday picture.

3.     Listen to the tape and finish the sentences.

Step 4.  Consolidation and extension

1.     The pupils use the new sentences to talk about their own pictures.

2.     Story time. Listen to the tape and acorrding to the pictures to understand the story meaning.

3.     Activity Book A Read and write.











The fourth period

Teaching topic:

Unit 6 Part B . Let’s learn. Good to know.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. The pupils can read the new words correctly.

2. The pupils can say the new sentence: There are some/ many---.

3. The pupils can say some sentences about the village and city.

The key points:

Teaching aims 1,2 and aims 3.

The difficult points:

The pupils can say the new sentence: There are some/ many---.

Teaching tools:

 pictures , cards and the tape.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm- up

1. The pupils sing the the chant on Page 68.

2. Greetings.

Step 2.  Preview

1.     Game: I can see ---. T : I spy a word beginning with “t” . please continue.

2.     There be ---. Talk about the classroom.

Step 3.  Presentation

        Let’s learn.

1.     T: I spy a word beginning with “b”. Then teach : bridge , city. village. What’s in the village/ city? To teach: house. tree. road. Building.

2.     Acorrding to the pictures to make sentences: There are buildings in the city. There is a bridge in the village.---

3.     The pupils talk about their village or city in pairs.

Step 4.  Consolidation and extension

1.     The pupils talk about the village and city in pairs.

2.     Good to know. The teacher instructive the panda. Tell the pupils to protect the panda and the nature.












The fifth period

Teaching topic:

Unit 6 Part B . Let’s try. Let’s talk.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. The pupils can read the new words correctly.

2. The pupils can say the new sentence: Are there any---? Yes , there are. No, there aren’t.

3. The pupils can use “Are there any---? To say some sentences about the village and city.

The key points:

Teaching aims 1,2 and aims 3.

The difficult points:

The pupils can say the new sentence: Are there any---? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Teaching tools:

 pictures , cards and the tape.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm- up

1. The pupils sing the the chant on Page 68.

2. Greetings.

Step 2.  Preview

1.     Let’s try. Listen and circle. The listening contents: I like my village. There are many small houses. Are there any rivers in the village? Yes. there are. Are there any bridges? Yes, there are many bridges. Are there any lakes near the village? No, there aren’t.

2.     Game:  Drawing compitition. Divide the pupils into Group Village and Group City. Let the pupils talk about their village and city.

Step 3.  Presentation

        1. Let’s talk.

        Show the pictures and ask: What’s in your village/ city? Are there any ---? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

2. Game: Throw the coin . Are there any---? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

3. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

Step 4.  Consolidation and extension

1.     Game: “眼疾嘴快”. Put the pictures up and down quickly. And ask and answer quickly. What’s in my village/city? Are there any---in your village/ city?

2.     Game: Guessing game.




The sixth period

Teaching topic:

Unit 6 Part B . read and write.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. The pupils can read the new words correctly.

2. The pupils can say the new sentence: Are there any---? Yes , there are. No, there aren’t.

3. The pupils can finish the sentences.

The key points:

Teaching aims 1,2 and aims 3.

The difficult points:

The pupils can say the new sent

www.ertong6.com ence: Are there any---? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Teaching tools:

 pictures , cards and the tape.

Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Warm- up

1. The pupils sing the the chant on Page 68.

2. Greetings.

Step 2.  Preview

        Game: Spelling the words. Spell the words one by one. For example: h-o-u-s-e. house.

Step 3.  Presentation

        Read and write.

1.     Show the pupils the pictures. Talk about the pictures. There are many rivers in the village. There are no lakes in the village. There are many bridges in the village. There are many mountains near the village.

2.     Listen to the tape and read the dialouge. Then finish the sentences.

3.     Write the sentences: Are there any pandas in the mountains? No , there aren’t . Are there any fish in the rivers? Yes, there are.

Step 4.  Consolidation and extention

1.     Activity Book. Part B. Read and write.

2.     Let the pupils design their hometown in the future.

3.     Ask the pupils take photos in the nature park.

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